EDC Supports Local Charities Through Golf Tournament


Electronic Drives and Controls is a sponsor of the first annual golf tournament held by Electronic Drives and Controls golfAmerican Legion Post 86 in Newton, NJ.  The company is sponsoring hole competitions for most accurate drive, closest to the pin, and longest drive in the tournament.

On Friday, May 10, 2019, the tournament will be held at the Highpoint Country Club in Montague, NJ (rain or shine).  The event is open to the public, and golfers can register by calling the Legion Post at 973-383-2386 or by emailing Chuck Dillard.  Proceeds support several local events, including holiday parties for disadvantaged children.  Hole sponsorships are still available.


Date:                    Friday, May 10, 2019 Rain Postponement! June 7th, 2019

Location:             Highpoint Country Club, Montague, NJ

Registration:       Phone the Legion Post at 973-383-2386 or email Chuck Dillard

Options:              Ask about the catering package and evening banquet

Hole sponsorships still available