An ounce of prevention
Electronic Drives and Controls’ VFD Preventive Maintenance Program is designed to address your multiple requirement for
Uninterrupted service, and Economical operating costs.
Your EDC representative will show you supporting documentation proving the benefits of preventive maintenance.
Preventive maintenance works
EDC provides “Genuine” PM service.
EDC is brand neutral: No distribution agreements. When you buy a PM from Electronic Drives and Controls, you get a qualified PM.
The real thing.
Honest value for your PM dollar.
Bad news comes in threes:
The three biggest mistakes in PMs
You choose a company that is cheap. They dust off the drive but don’t really do a qualified PM. Your drive fails.
You choose an electrical or electronic all-purpose company. If they see a problem, or think they see a problem, they usually way overshoot the parts diagnosed. You spend too much money.
You choose a company that works real cheap but they don’t know or don’t care about the PM. They are drive distributors and their real goal is to sell drives. They tell you the drive is beyond economical repair and “must be replaced.” You replace a drive that could have been repaired economically.