Things to Consider When Selecting a Systems Integrator

Choosing a System IntegratorAre you asking enough of the right questions when choosing a systems integrator to modify your critical systems? Simply asking whether someone is familiar with the hardware and software is not enough.

  • Do they know my application?
  • Is there a production schedule to assure on-time delivery?
  • Is the software robust?
  • Do they have complete control of the quality of the manufacture of my system?
  • Are they financially sound?
  • Is their documentation complete and are they forthcoming with all documentation?
  • Will they be able to support my future service needs?

Electronic Drives and Controls is built to meet all of these critical requirements. With over 50 years in business, our team has over 200 collective years of application experience.  Our systems are always fully tested prior to shipment.  Our in-house manufacturing passes multiple quality checkpoints during the engineering and manufacturing process.  We are CSIA certified, which is a rigorous, independent validation of an integrator’s business and project management skills.  We deliver complete documentation to the customer which is archived both on-site and offsite.  Our service team is nationally recognized.

This combination will assure timely delivery of a quality product that can be supported so you can confidently pursue and succeed in the execution of your business plan.

Call us to find out how you can assure success on your next integration project.